I am asked DAILY what kind of workout I am doing (because I am running around like a crazy person). I am SUPERSETTING. I learned about supersetting from a professional bodybuilder and I have to say I am sold! I started my regimen about a year ago, and every time I go back to it I always see results. Supersetting is great for beginners and advanced weightlifters looking for a change in their routine. The basic concept of "supersetting" is doing one exercise first and then a second exercise, with a 45-60 second rest in between and then repeating. Generally if you are a guy you do the set 3x and lift really heavy. However, with this routine you are going to do the supersets 5x. It might seem like a lot but adjust your weights so you can get out about 12-15 reps per set and you will be good (men and women). AND because you keep a stopwatch with you the entire workout will have you in and out of the gym in 45 minutes tops! The reason this workout is so effective is because your heart rate is always elevated so you are getting some cardio benefit as well. You are always moving. Unlike traditional "lifting" where you do a set, rest, txt, chat on your phone, look at your fb, twitter and a bunch of other crap you shouldn't be doing while you are working out- "Supersetting" keeps you moving the whole time! There is no time to be fluffing off your workout! (note: leave your cellphone in the gym locker! if you have time to txt, fb, or make a call then you aren't paying attention to the matter at hand! YOUR WORKOUT!). I have a specific method when approaching this workout.
FIRST the tools: Stopwatch (a cheapy $10 one from target is fine), 2 (yes TWO) towels, a large bottle of water, notebook and pen (EVERY workout should be written DOWN! Exercise performed, weight used, and reps).
I will post 4 workouts. They should be done in a 5 day cycle. So say you start on Monday with workout #1, by Friday you will do workout #1 again. Rest Saturday and Sunday and start the following Monday with workout #2, then by Friday you will be back on workout #2 again, so on and so forth. If you miss a day just carry over the workout you were supposed to do.
Why 2 towels? You will be taking up two machines/weights/benches at a time so a towel covering your "space" will let other gym members know that the machine is taken.
Why not use the water fountain instead of a bottle of water? Time management.... you won't have time to go to the water fountain so just bring your own water. Trust me, you will need it.
Workout #1
Superset #1:
Barbell bench press
Tricep Pushdown
So for this first superset you will do the bench press first (doing about 12-15 reps-and make sure to write the weight and reps down), run to the tricep machine, do your 12-15 reps, then start the stopwatch and rest 45 seconds. When the 45 seconds are up you should start the barbell bench press again.... and back and forth until you have done it 5 (FIVE) times! So your notebook should look like this:
Barbell Bench Press 45lbs: 15,15,15,15,15 (or however many weights/reps you did)
Tricep Pushdown 30lbs: 15,15,15,15,15
After you finish this first superset 5x, you move on to your second superset. Don't worry about the 45 second rest in between supersets but don't lollygag either.
Superset #2
Military Shoulder Press (with Dumbbells)
(Sit forward on the bench with the back up, supporting your back, not on the side of the bench like the picture. Also: starting position of the weight should form a right angle with your arms, don't dip lower than the right angle-we want to concentrate on shoulders).
Leg Press
This is my machine of choice but use any leg press machine you like. You can adjust you feet positions to hit certain areas of your legs more. Just make sure your lower back is in contact with the bench. Don't arch or you could hurt yourself.
Just like Superset #1, you will do each exercise once, rest 45 seconds and repeat 5 times. WRITE IT DOWN!
Superset #3
I like to use a ten pound plate under each heel to help me lift off and keep better balance. Its up to you. Just remember not to go too heavy and make sure you don't allow your knees to go over your toes. Any questions always ask a trainer at the gym. They will always help you. Don't risk an injury if you aren't sure of what you are doing.
Calf Raises
Most gyms will have a few different machines for calves. Use whichever one you like. I like to switch it up between the standing calf machine (shown here) and the sitting one.