Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cha-cha-cha CHIA!!!!

Cha-cha-cha- CHIA!!!

Now you might be wondering what a chia pet has to do with a health blog but it really does. The little seeds that help grow the furry greenery on our beloved chia pets is actually a superfood. The chia seed was a main staple in the Aztec and Mayan diets and were the basic survival ration for the Aztec warriors. Chia seeds are very high in omega-3 fatty acids-even more than flax seeds, but unlike flax seeds they do not need to be ground up before use, nor will they go rancid if not stored properly. Chia seeds also provide fiber (25 grams give you 6.9 grams of fiber) as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, and zinc. I put a heaping tablespoon of chia seeds in my morning protein shake everyday. Chia seeds are available almost everywhere now, so try it today!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Diet Myths

Diet Myths

Some of these myths were recently highlighted on the Dr. Oz show and I thought it would be appropriate to repost the biggest diet "myths" I have learned about over the years. It is amazing to me how much misinformation is out there and how it impacts our weight and health. So lets get started....

Myth #1: Diet soda will help you lose weight
This one actually surprised me. I thought most people were aware of how unhealthy diet sodas (and all sodas for that matter) are for you. I can see where someone would think it would help you lose weight, after all most diet sodas have zero calories, no carbs, and no fat. However, most of these "diet" sodas are filled with things we can't pronounce, unhealthy food coloring, and "fake" sugar. This "fake" sugar still stimulates our brain into thinking that we are ingesting sugar, so it still releases insulin into the bloodstream. When the insulin gets into the bloodstream and realizes there is NO sugar then we get even more cravings for something sweet. It starts a vicious cycle and many times than not, diet soda will actually contribute to you eating more calories throughout the day. The best bet is to switch to unsweetened tea, carbonated water with a splash or fruit juice, or just plain water. If you must drink soda try to do half diet soda mixed with half regular soda. You will at least get sugar in your system without all the calories of regular soda. There is also a soda sweetened with stevia that is now available at your local health food store. Stevia is a natural sweetener that I highly recommend over Splenda or Nutrasweet or any other chemically made "sugar".

Myth #2: Eating fat will make you fat 

There is only one thing that makes a person fat, and that is eating more calories than what you need to maintain your weight. That's all. Nothing else causes weight gain other than eating too many total calories. You can get your calories from fat, carbs, and protein. When it comes to fat there are good and bad versions. The really bad fats we know are trans fat. Like saturated fats, trans fats raise LDL "bad" cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease, but unlike saturated fats, trans fats lower HDL "good" cholesterol and may do more damage. As far as saturated fats go, a good saturated fat is coconut oil. Coconut oil is composed of medium-chain fatty acids which are metabolized as soon as they are consumed. Coconut oil isn't converted into cholesterol or body fat. In the 1940's ranchers fed their cattle cheap coconut oil in order to fatten them up. Well, the reverse happened. The cattle lost weight!

Myth #3: Starving yourself will help you lose weight 

So if you gain weight by eating excess calories then you will lose weight but cutting calories right? Well, almost. Yes, if you reduce your caloric intake you will lose weight. However if you cut calories too drastically then your metabolism will slow and cause you to lose less weight and mess with your metabolism. There are two different schools of thought on this one. One side claims that "starvation mode" doesn't exist, and the other states that it does. Technically, yes you can starve yourself thin (ie. anorexia), but we are talking about trying to lose weight in a healthy way. From my experience I have always tried to avoid "starvation" diets. I try to eat 5 "mini-meals" a day. I try to eat every couple hours and keep the meals around 300 calories. Keeping it at least 1200 calories a day. I had it explained to me like a fire burning in a fireplace. You keep putting logs in the fire or else it will burn out. You metabolism is the fire and the log is food.... you have to feed the fire.

Myth #4: Eating late at night will make you fat 

Again this myth is false. Its not when you eat that makes you fat, its eating too many calories. If its late at night and you have been up all day when you start eating, chances are you're going to exceed your daily caloric intake. My advice is to write everything you eat in a food journal. Track calories, fat, protein and carbs. I weigh everything I eat and try to make sure I have at least 4 oz. of protein with every  meal. Protein with every meal will make you feel full longer.

Myth #5: A calorie is a calorie is a calorie  

False. So since you gain weight by eating too many calories you still need to be aware of what "kind" of calories you are eating. Eating a bunch of fat with no protein isn't going to help your cause.... this is where a lot of "self-exploration" is going to take place. I really urge you to write down EVERYTHING you eat!!! Weigh whatever you can as well.... that way you get an accurate account of what is going in your body everyday, then judge how you feel and gage your progress.... some people I know do better with a higher fat & protein diet with less carbs, others more carbs and protein less fat.... just make sure you are getting enough protein!!!! Women who work out should be shooting for about .75-1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight!!! That's about a 3-4 oz. piece of "clean" protein with each meal!!!

More to come.... just wanted to get this page out!!! Off to the gym!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sander For Your Wrinkles!

I like to call this tool my mini sander for my face. Don't worry its not that harsh but you do have to use it right. This is an at-home microdermabrasion tool. It works just like the professional units without the hassle or expenses. This handheld version uses the same aluminum oxide crystals as the ten thousand dollar machines found at your local spa. It will sluff off dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of sun spots and help minimize other signs of aging. The unit comes with different interchangeable heads for different skin types. Start off with the sensitive heads and move up from there. Each head lasts about 5 uses each (give or take). Start of with a freshly cleansed and toned face. When using the unit always keep it moving or else you will make a little "rug burn" mark on your face (I did, it went away in a couple days). After you have done your whole face follow with a thick layer of your favorite moisturizer or vitamin oil (I use both).  My suggestion is to YouTube as many videos on the PMD as you can find until you get a real "feel for it" and watch the enclosed DVD too. Don't do the treatment more than once a week since your skin needs to rejuvenate.

What Is Microdermabrasion you ask?

 Well microdermabrasion is an effective, non-surgical way to get rid of acne scars, fine wrinkles and sunspots by exfoliating the top layers of the skin. No chemicals or laser beams are used, only aluminum oxide micro crystals that gently sand your skin, leaving it smooth and fresh.

The unit costs $179 but if you buy it on and wait for one of their $50 off $200 purchase coupons its a way better deal. I did that and ordered extra replacement heads (about $15 a set). The unit comes with a DVD and instructional booklet. READ and WATCH it.... it looks easy enough and it is once you get  used to it but don't just use it right out of the box without a clear understanding of how the unit works. Happy Skin!!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

DRINK Your Breakfast!

I am constantly asked "What do you eat for breakfast?" Well, for me personally I prefer to drink my breakfast. You can eat your breakfast as well, but you have to do one or the other. I know you have heard it 1000 times but BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY!!! Now when I say "breakfast" I simply mean the first meal you have when you get up in the morning (or in my case the afternoon). So whatever your "wake" time is, you must put SOMETHING in  your body. Think about it, you just spent anywhere from 6-10 hrs sleeping-your body just used all its resources to repair and detoxify itself. Your body wakes up on EMPTY. Just like the engine in your car-if you don't have any fuel, your car isn't going to run. You HAVE to fuel up when you wake up from a full night's sleep (and I hope you are getting at LEAST six hours of sleep, but I will post about that later). This is the turning point of your day. What you eat at this moment will determine how your body reacts for the rest of the day. This IS the most important food decision you will make the whole day! So that being said lets put you on the right track!

When I wake up the FIRST thing I do is have 2 tablespoons of Bragg's Apple cider Vinegar. I have a glass of water handy because I won't lie-it taste horrible. BUT this is one of the best things you can do for your body! Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar is high in potassium, an element that many people don’t get enough of due to an unsatisfactory diet. Potassium is another element that prevents our bodies from breaking down. Ask any elite athlete what the body needs to perform at the highest level, and potassium will be at the top of the list. Regular ingestion of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar will also help to break down arterial plaque that is one of the leading causes to heart disease. In other words, Bragg’s can serve as a liquid roto rooter for your entire circulatory system as well as for your digestive system. It will also help to naturally raise your metabolism so DRINK UP!

BREAKFAST: You need PROTEIN when you wake up. Just doing a bowl of cereal with some milk ain't gonna cut it! A bagel? A muffin? Don't you DARE!!! If you are serious about working out, getting in shape, and staying healthy you NEED protein when you get up. Your muscles need protein to build muscle and muscle burns fat. Try to get an average of 30 grams of protein in your breakfast. I used to eat 2 whole eggs, with 3 egg whites, 2 pieces of turkey bacon and sprouted grain toast (Ezekiel bread is the best). Since I don't have a lot of time to cook in the morning I now drink my breakfast. I have concocted a super shake that I will share with you. It is dense in calories and carbs with about 30 grams of protein. I drink it before my workout so I am ok with the high carb count. Feel free to adjust this shake according to your needs, I am a big girl so it works perfect for me (5'9", 160lbs).

(Its about 400 calories, 30 grams of protein, 64 grams of carbs, 4 grams of fat)

My POWER SHAKE recipe:

In a good blender combine the following:

1 whole navel orange (yes, peel it)
70 grams of ORGANIC frozen strawberries (please measure with a food scale)
70 grams of ORGANIC frozen raspberries
2 scoops (or 1 serving of a good whey protein) of Dr. Mercola's Pure Power Protein
1 scoop of Andrew Lessman's vanilla SECURE meal replacement powder
1 tbs chia seeds
1/2 cup of unsweetened coconut milk (or water if you prefer-I use a mixture of both)
1 scoop of Glutamine (optional)

Where to order links:

SECURE powder: (the vitamin powder is also available on HSN's website as well)

So Bragg's FIRST, then your power protein shake, and then your daily vitamins which I will post shortly. Happy breakfast!!!!

Missing Motivation?

We all feel stressed, tired, and lazy at times. You can't let it interfere with your goals when it comes to your health and your workout. A friend posted on my blog and asked me what motivates me, so Shonna-this post is for you ;)

I have a lot of little tricks that help me stay motivated. Here are a few ideas that might work for you:

1. I have a picture of what I would like my abs to look like on my FB page, so every time I go to FB its right there to remind me of my goal. Have some sort of picture in your head about what you want to look like and think about it when you are working out.

2. I have a pair of shorts I would like to fit into hanging in my closet in plain view so every time I go into my closet I have to look at them. Occasionally I will try them on to see what progress has been made.

3. I listen to music while I work out. I have rock, hip-hop, and house....all fast tempo to keep me moving.

4. When I want a change from the tunes I will listen to an audiobook ( is my favorite), and get so engrossed in the audiobook my workout just flies by.

5. Get a workout partner. I have done this is the past but I prefer to workout solo now. Some of you may find getting a partner helps keep you both on top of your workouts.

6. Reward yourself......"if I do "x" I will reward myself with "y"..... just make sure it doesn't interfere with your workout regimen. You can't make a deal to give yourself a day off or eat a whole chocolate cake.

7. Get a trainer. Some people find trainers to be helpful in keeping them motivated. You are paying this person a butt load of money so you BETTER work out-kind of thing. Just do your RESEARCH. Just because they call themselves a trainer doesn't mean they know what the hell they are talking about. Make sure they (at minimum!) have an ACE certification. Try to find someone who is accredited through a few different organizations.

8. REMEMBER: once you start working out it will take 9 (yes NINE) weeks for your body to start to really respond to what you are doing. Your friends will notice a change around week 12 (TWELVE) and you yourself will probably not notice a change in yourself until week 16 (yes, SIXTEEN weeks). SO, TAKE PICTURES!  Pictures don't lie and its an objective way to look at your progress instead of scrutinizing yourself in a mirror.

9. Allow yourself a "cheat" day. Don't go crazy, but eat whatever you can't eat while you are doing your workout/lifestyle regimen. For example say you love cake. Go ahead and have a half a piece of cake on your cheat day. Wait ten minutes and if you MUST have more then go ahead (but only on your cheat day). Just give your body the opportunity to pace itself. If you have a small piece and wait ten minutes you will be surprised how often you realize you don't really want the whole piece, but if you start with a whole piece you are going to eat the whole piece. LOL.

10. Don't save for Monday what you can start tomorrow or in a couple hours. I know a lot of times we will fall off our workout/"diet" and say "Oh well, I'll just start next Monday." (and its Tuesday). If you fall off the wagon jump right back on. Don't wait until days later to restart. Restart right away. Even the following meal if possible-it doesn't even have to wait until the next day.

11. Make it a HABIT. My "diet" which I don't like to call a "diet" because it is a "lifestyle change" is a routine. If I miss my morning shake, I am totally "off" that day. I try to stick to my regimen as closely as I can and now its like second nature to me. If you make your workout/"diet" a habit, it will become part of you. Just like when you get up and brush your teeth in the morning.

12. Have FUN! Take a class, kick box, play a sport, and have FUN! There are so many workouts that are fun to do! Switch it up so you don't get bored.

13. Be REALISTIC: no one is perfect. Don't compare yourself to the person next to you. You are you. Be happy with you. Just believe you have the ability to get where you need to go and don't worry if you make a few mistakes on the way.

14. Your loved ones. Think of them if you need motivation. Your health and well-being are important to you and THEM.

On posts to come I will give you concrete information on morning shakes, supplements and what I like to eat to keep me going. I hope some of this helps Shonna!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Supercharge With Supersets!!! (Workout Day #1)

I am asked DAILY what kind of workout I am doing (because I am running around like a crazy person). I am SUPERSETTING. I learned about supersetting from a professional bodybuilder and I have to say I am sold! I started my regimen about a year ago, and every time I go back to it I always see results. Supersetting is great for beginners and advanced weightlifters looking for a change in their routine. The basic concept of "supersetting" is doing one exercise first and then a second exercise, with a 45-60 second rest in between and then repeating. Generally if you are a guy you do the set 3x and lift really heavy. However, with this routine you are going to do the supersets 5x. It might seem like a lot but adjust your weights so you can get out about 12-15 reps per set and you will be good (men and women). AND because you keep a stopwatch with you the entire workout will have you in and out of the gym in 45 minutes tops! The reason this workout is so effective is because your heart rate is always elevated so you are getting some cardio benefit as well. You are always moving. Unlike traditional "lifting" where you do a set, rest, txt, chat on your phone, look at your fb, twitter and a bunch of other crap you shouldn't be doing while you are working out- "Supersetting" keeps you moving the whole time! There is no time to be fluffing off your workout! (note: leave your cellphone in the gym locker! if you have time to txt, fb, or make a call then you aren't paying attention to the matter at hand! YOUR WORKOUT!). I have a specific method when approaching this workout.

FIRST the tools: Stopwatch (a cheapy $10 one from target is fine), 2 (yes TWO) towels, a large bottle of water, notebook and pen (EVERY workout should be written DOWN! Exercise performed, weight used, and reps).

I will post 4 workouts. They should be done in a 5 day cycle. So say you start on Monday with workout #1, by Friday you will do workout #1 again. Rest Saturday and Sunday and start the following Monday with workout #2, then by Friday you will be back on workout #2 again, so on and so forth. If you miss a day just carry over the workout you were supposed to do.

Why 2 towels? You will be taking up two machines/weights/benches at a time so a towel covering your "space" will let other gym members know that the machine is taken.

Why not use the water fountain instead of a bottle of water? Time management.... you won't have time to go to the water fountain so just bring your own water. Trust me, you will need it.

Workout #1

Superset #1: 

Barbell bench press


Tricep Pushdown

So for this first superset you will do the bench press first (doing about 12-15 reps-and make sure to write the weight and reps down), run to the tricep machine, do your 12-15 reps, then start the stopwatch and rest 45 seconds. When the 45 seconds are up you should start the barbell bench press again.... and back and forth until you have done it 5 (FIVE) times! So your notebook should look like this:

Barbell Bench Press 45lbs: 15,15,15,15,15 (or however many weights/reps you did)
Tricep Pushdown 30lbs: 15,15,15,15,15

After you finish this first superset 5x, you move on to your second superset. Don't worry about the 45 second rest in between supersets but don't lollygag either.

                                                                                   Superset #2

Military Shoulder Press (with Dumbbells)
(Sit forward on the bench with the back up, supporting your back, not on the side of the bench like the picture. Also: starting position of the weight should form a right angle with your arms, don't dip lower than the right angle-we want to concentrate on shoulders).

Leg Press
This is my machine of choice but use any leg press machine you like. You can adjust you feet positions to hit certain areas of your legs more. Just make sure your lower back is in contact with the bench. Don't arch or you could hurt yourself.

Just like Superset #1, you will do each exercise once, rest 45 seconds and repeat 5 times. WRITE IT DOWN!

Superset #3

I like to use a ten pound plate under each heel to help me lift off and keep better balance. Its up to you. Just remember not to go too heavy and make sure you don't allow your knees to go over your toes. Any questions always ask a trainer at the gym. They will always help you. Don't risk an injury if you aren't sure of what you are doing.

Calf Raises
Most gyms will have a few different machines for calves. Use whichever one you like. I like to switch it up between the standing calf machine (shown here) and the sitting one.

So, this is your last superset. So like the previous 2 supersets you will do each exercise once, rest 45 seconds, and repeat 5 times. Day #2 coming up.....

To Juice? Or Not To Juice?

So a friend recently asked me my opinion on juicing. Juicing is a great way to get your vitamins and minerals but I have to say I am not entirely a fan. Let me break it down.... First I will start off with FRUIT juice. Fruit juice is yummy, has tons a vitamin c and other great things but it is full of SUGAR!!! One glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice can have as much as 400+ calories in it!!! and its mostly from SUGAR!  According to the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), drinking too much juice can contribute to obesity, the development of cavities (dental caries), diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems, such as excessive gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Vegetable juice is better depending on what you are juicing....the thing is most people aren't downing straight spinach juice they are sweetening it with high caloric fruit juice so therein lies the dilemma.... If you are juicing straight vegetables then I say GO FOR IT (but eating the whole vegetable is still BETTER!).... but if you are juicing with a lot of fruits I say stick to the whole fruit instead. The fiber in the fruit will help slow the absorption of sugar and you won't consume as much. I think all fruits in general should be taken in moderation. Remember fruits are high in natural sugar and people trying to lose weight need to remember that while eating fruit is good you still have to limit your consumption. NOTE: if you are "juicing" to do some sort of cleanse or remove "toxins" from your body.... you are been DUPED. There is no such thing. Our bodies are built already to rid itself of "toxins"...downing a bunch of juice isn't going to "cleanse" your system.... huge misconception. While you may feel like you are losing weight is because you aren't eating anything! You are filling up on carbs! You are missing out on vital proteins and fats. Numerous studies have been done with one group doing a "juice" fast and another group eating a balanced diet. You are better off just eating "clean" for a week instead of doing the latest juicing "cleanse" or "fast".... don't starve your body! Remember! The minute your body thinks it is starving it will hold on to any fat on your body to protect itself! So ladies! Make sure you are always eating at LEAST 1200 calories a day (for an average size female, I eat more) or else your body will start to work against you! I recommend 2 tbs of BRAGGS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR first thing when you wake up (and have a glass of water ready because I am not gonna lie it tastes horrible), and it will keep your digestive system in order along with naturally raising your metabolism! Do that instead of some juice fast, cleanse, thing.  Feel free to ask more questions. I hope this helped!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

About This Blog

Hi. I am Nikkole. I am 41 years old. For anyone that knows me well I am a bit of a health nut. Not a raw or vegan kind, but a goto the gym 5 days a week, measure my food, research for hours about supplements, and try every anti-aging product known to man kind of health nut. Recently I have had a lot of people asking me what my workout is, what do I eat, or what do I use on my face. Instead of trying to explain it ten different times to ten different people I was told by a few friends that I should just throw it down on a blog and let whoever is interested just read about what I do. So that is what I am going to do. In the upcoming days and weeks I will add my workouts, my "diet", my beauty regimen and address any other questions that I am asked along the way. I am a nutrition coach from the Shaw Academy and I am currently working on my NASM personal training certificate. I have worked out in a gym setting for almost 20 years, researched my diet choices, and personally tried and researched all my beauty products. I am also constantly reading and researching new products and information and I am constantly adjusting my lifestyle accordingly. I hope you find this blog useful! Get Fit! Stay Young!