Sunday, March 4, 2012

Missing Motivation?

We all feel stressed, tired, and lazy at times. You can't let it interfere with your goals when it comes to your health and your workout. A friend posted on my blog and asked me what motivates me, so Shonna-this post is for you ;)

I have a lot of little tricks that help me stay motivated. Here are a few ideas that might work for you:

1. I have a picture of what I would like my abs to look like on my FB page, so every time I go to FB its right there to remind me of my goal. Have some sort of picture in your head about what you want to look like and think about it when you are working out.

2. I have a pair of shorts I would like to fit into hanging in my closet in plain view so every time I go into my closet I have to look at them. Occasionally I will try them on to see what progress has been made.

3. I listen to music while I work out. I have rock, hip-hop, and house....all fast tempo to keep me moving.

4. When I want a change from the tunes I will listen to an audiobook ( is my favorite), and get so engrossed in the audiobook my workout just flies by.

5. Get a workout partner. I have done this is the past but I prefer to workout solo now. Some of you may find getting a partner helps keep you both on top of your workouts.

6. Reward yourself......"if I do "x" I will reward myself with "y"..... just make sure it doesn't interfere with your workout regimen. You can't make a deal to give yourself a day off or eat a whole chocolate cake.

7. Get a trainer. Some people find trainers to be helpful in keeping them motivated. You are paying this person a butt load of money so you BETTER work out-kind of thing. Just do your RESEARCH. Just because they call themselves a trainer doesn't mean they know what the hell they are talking about. Make sure they (at minimum!) have an ACE certification. Try to find someone who is accredited through a few different organizations.

8. REMEMBER: once you start working out it will take 9 (yes NINE) weeks for your body to start to really respond to what you are doing. Your friends will notice a change around week 12 (TWELVE) and you yourself will probably not notice a change in yourself until week 16 (yes, SIXTEEN weeks). SO, TAKE PICTURES!  Pictures don't lie and its an objective way to look at your progress instead of scrutinizing yourself in a mirror.

9. Allow yourself a "cheat" day. Don't go crazy, but eat whatever you can't eat while you are doing your workout/lifestyle regimen. For example say you love cake. Go ahead and have a half a piece of cake on your cheat day. Wait ten minutes and if you MUST have more then go ahead (but only on your cheat day). Just give your body the opportunity to pace itself. If you have a small piece and wait ten minutes you will be surprised how often you realize you don't really want the whole piece, but if you start with a whole piece you are going to eat the whole piece. LOL.

10. Don't save for Monday what you can start tomorrow or in a couple hours. I know a lot of times we will fall off our workout/"diet" and say "Oh well, I'll just start next Monday." (and its Tuesday). If you fall off the wagon jump right back on. Don't wait until days later to restart. Restart right away. Even the following meal if possible-it doesn't even have to wait until the next day.

11. Make it a HABIT. My "diet" which I don't like to call a "diet" because it is a "lifestyle change" is a routine. If I miss my morning shake, I am totally "off" that day. I try to stick to my regimen as closely as I can and now its like second nature to me. If you make your workout/"diet" a habit, it will become part of you. Just like when you get up and brush your teeth in the morning.

12. Have FUN! Take a class, kick box, play a sport, and have FUN! There are so many workouts that are fun to do! Switch it up so you don't get bored.

13. Be REALISTIC: no one is perfect. Don't compare yourself to the person next to you. You are you. Be happy with you. Just believe you have the ability to get where you need to go and don't worry if you make a few mistakes on the way.

14. Your loved ones. Think of them if you need motivation. Your health and well-being are important to you and THEM.

On posts to come I will give you concrete information on morning shakes, supplements and what I like to eat to keep me going. I hope some of this helps Shonna!

1 comment:

  1. I love the visual motivation. I have an idea of what i want my legs to look like. :) Also, to know that it takes at least nine weeks to see anything. I start workouts all the time and stop. Health! To stick around for loved ones, especially little people who want to run around everywhere. Thank you this it is very helpful. Gonna see if it motivates Ulices as well. lol!
